New urban mobility
You can now see within the city so many “moving E.T.” The car is relegated to the periphery, fortunately, and "city hearts" see bicycles, public transport, pedestrians, but also scooters, monowheels, skate boards, electric scooters, and so many other modes of mobility very practical .
Public entertainment
With Le Grand Huit you can try everything. As for the animation Fun Bikes, it's simple: We come to you, prepare the equipment on the dedicated space. Each device is unique and you can try a dozen of them. When the public is large, we organize the rotation so that everyone can quickly participate. The animation is for all, from 8 to 78 years old.
The purpose is to allow everyone to have fun, certainly, to work his balance and control, but also to promote alternatives to the car and help people testing these new modes of mobility. We are happy to help you contribute to better breathing air.
Electric scooters and extra-terrestrial equipment
The collection includes: electric and normal scooters of all kinds, gyroroues, Segway, skatinette, wake, street paddle, sbyke, hoverboard, and the famous all-new electric hovershoes. We are on the lookout for all the news in this area, and test any type of gear, to retain those that seem possible, secure, and interesting. The animation draws its success from the pedagogy of the specialists of the Great Eight and the constant concern for safety.
In your city, in your festival
We will come with pleasure to you to make this animation.
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